Until recently, landlords have been gearing up for all newly domestic private rented properties to require an EPC rating of C or above from 2025. However, on 21st September 2023, the Prime Minister announced that this requirement has been indefinitely postponed.
Whilst this will be welcome news to some landlords, there will be frustration for those who have already carried out costly works to improve the energy efficiency of their buildings, and also to tenants, who are concerned about occupying properties with poor energy efficiency.
Energy Performance Certificates (‘EPCs’) are certificates which summarise the energy efficiency of buildings. Efficiency is rated from A (being the most efficient) to G (being the least efficient). EPCs are valid for 10 years from the date of issue and are a legal requirement for all property being sold, rented, or built.
Categorised in: Blog, Commercial Property, Residential Property
Tags: Commercial Property, Landlord and Tenant, Leases, Residential Property