If your transaction does not proceed to completion for any reason, you will be liable for our Abortive Costs incurred as a proportion of the fixed fee payable relative to how far the matter has progressed at the time of becoming abortive.

Charts are set out below for either a Sale or Purchase (including New Build Purchase) transaction. Each chart details the key milestones for that transaction type and the percentage of fees that may be charged if the matter has reached that milestone before becoming abortive. The charts are meant as a guide only, we will calculate the actual abortive fee payable on a case by case basis.

SALE TRANSACTIONTitle obtained, Management pack obtained, Contracts issued, Redemption statement requestedBuyers solicitors’ enquiriesContract and transfer sent to client for signing. Final redemption statement requested.
BHW Legal fee40%60%-80% depending on complexity of enquiries80%
Acting for lender40%40%80%
Unregistered title fee40%60%-80%80%
Leasehold fee40%60%-80%80%
Conveyance Link fee100%
ID Check100% once the ID check is complete
Indemnity insurance arrangement100% once a quote is obtained
Money Transfer100% for any money transfers that have been sent
Disbursements100% of all disbursements incurred
Storage fee0%
PURCHASE / NEW BUILD TRANSACTIONClient instructions returned, searches appliedEnquiries raisedClient report OR Mortgage report sent to clientClient Report AND Mortgage report sent to client
BHW Legal fee20%40%60%80%
Acting for lender60%80%
Help to Buy60%80%
SDLT return60%80%
Part title transfer40%60%80%
Leasehold purchase40%60%80%
Conveyance Link fee100%
Gifted deposit fee50% once letter, ID and statements have been received100% once reported to the lender
ID Check100% once the ID check is complete
Indemnity insurance arrangement100% once a quote is obtained
Declaration of trust fee100% once drafted
Report on Title meeting100% if meeting has taken place
Money Transfer100% for any money transfers that have been sent
Help to Buy ISA100% only where an application has been made for funds
Disbursements100% of all disbursements incurred
Storage fee0%